Tripod is a platform that helps your mobile team build better apps, understand your users, and grow your business.
"Code More, Debug Less With Tripod Pro"
App insights
Get insights of your customers usage such as devices usage, OS versions & Crash trends.
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Report defects better than ever
Raising a defect is just a matter of shaking the mobile device. Take screenshot or screen recording and report it as a defect
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Integration with jira
Never miss out on important defects raised by your clients. Track them all in your favourite defect tracking tool like Jira.
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Mobile database client
Access SQL database tables and view records in a tabular format. Database records can be filtered without queries.
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File storage browser
Tripod Pro – Live Engineering provides access to app’s internal secure storage as a directories and files to view & modify without rooting/jailbreaking the device.
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Shake to report
Reporting an issue has never been so convenient as shaking a device.
Video Report
Express yourself beyond pictures with our “state of the art” video recording feature to report an issue.
Crash Reporting
Never again miss a crash occurred on all your user’s devices.
SQlite Manager
Access SQLite tables & records from mobile secure storage productively at runtime
File Manager
Create, View, Delete and Modify the internal App files flexibly on the fly.
Manage app data
Astounding Experience while Securely managing your internal app data.
Live Engineering
Are you ready to leverage Tripod Pro
App Analytics
View detailed app analytics which includes crash graphs, devices usage, OS versions and app versions.
Report defects anywhere anytime
Just shake the device to report a defect. Track them in Jira, Github, Bugzilla.
Live Engineering
Access secure internal app storage and database by using live engineering in mobile
Instant feedback from customers
Get instant feedback from your customers from your app. Don't need to wait till end of sprint for feedback.
Shake to report
Shake your device and select Screenshot
Edit the image to highlight crash and provide details